This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein. In compliance of the new GDPR framework, please note that the Partnership will only process your personal data in the sole interest and purpose of the project and without any prejudice to your rights.
  1. 1. Mis kasu on koostööst?

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  2. 2. Mis teeb koostöö edukaks?

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  3. 3. Kuidas olla suurepärane koostööpartner?

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  4. 4. Mille järgi tunned ära koostööalti töökoha?

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© 2025 The Balance Project. All rights reserved.
Call for Case studies for the Library of Experiences
The Library of Experiences of the Balance project is a collaborative online space especially for women affected by the pandemic, where they can share their work-life balance related stories and needs. If you would like to get involved or want to find out some more information you can access the case study template HERE.