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“My mind is like my internet browser; 19 tabs are open; 3 of them are frozen; and I have no idea where the music is coming from.”

You have probably seen the above quote doing the rounds, and it’s very relevant to people working from home.

The pandemic changed our whole way of life, children were home-schooled, events were cancelled, meetings were conducted via zoom, and the majority of work was carried out digitally.

Now that things are coming back to some kind of normality, it’s clear to see that the work-life balance has been disrupted. Some employees are bombarded with emails, text messages, and the pressure to be always on, especially when it comes to social media.

Here are 5 tips to promote digital wellness

  1. Create an Office Area.
    For those working remotely set up an office area, preferably not your bedroom. This could be a corner of the room where your laptop is. When your working day has finished, close your laptop and leave your office area. Some people even find it helpful to take a short walk before and after work, similar to a commute, just to reenforce the working day.
  • Limit digital meetings
    Digital meetings take up such a lot of time for so many people. Many meetings could be dealt with by a simple email, or phone call. When you do need to have a meeting set up an agenda, with a time given to each topic, and stick to it.
  • Set boundaries.
    It’s important for employees to stick to their working hours. If you have a work phone switch it off when you aren’t working, the same goes for your emails, and other communication platforms. The right to disconnect refers to legislation that allow workers to disconnect from their work and to not receive or answer any work-related emails, calls, or messages outside of normal working hours. It establishes boundaries between a person’s work and life and protects them against any negative repercussions for disconnecting from their job. Find out more here:
  • Learn to relax
    It’s easier said than done. How many times have you stood up from your computer and realised that you’ve been holding your breath, or clenching your shoulders. At the end of the working day do something completely non- work related to help you switch off. It could be gardening, reading, art, walking, whatever appeals to you, and preferably not involving a screen.

To discover more suggestions check out Tech Target:

© 2025 The Balance Project. All rights reserved.
Call for Case studies for the Library of Experiences
The Library of Experiences of the Balance project is a collaborative online space especially for women affected by the pandemic, where they can share their work-life balance related stories and needs. If you would like to get involved or want to find out some more information you can access the case study template HERE.